Home Lifestyle Health & Fitness 10 Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

10 Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle sometimes can be difficult especially if you are surrounded by a lot of delicious but unhealthy food.

These tips are not in any particular order. Hopefully, you find it as a useful information to enhance your daily routine. “Nothing is more fulfilling than knowing you’re in the best shape!”    

Kill the Habit of Smoking

Even if you say that you only light a smoke occasionally, you’re doing irreparable damage to your body. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, cigarette smoking kills one in five people in the US each year, yet it’s the most preventable cause of death.

Eat The Yummiest

Believe it or not, you can enjoy the food you like (any and all of them! IN MODERATION assuming you’re not allergic to that specific food).

The key to a healthy lifestyle is to allow yourself a treat every once and a while. If you eat chocolates every day, it may not taste nearly as good if you eat it only at the end of the week as a reward for an entire week of healthy eating!

Know Your Numbers

If you don’t know your HDL from your LDL, you’re not giving your body what it deserves.

Knowing your cholesterol and blood sugar levels and having them checked regularly will help you make more educated decisions about your diet and what your goals are.

Regular Exercise for your Healthy Lifestyle

It is recommended to do 30 mins of aerobic exercise five days a week.

This doesn’t mean that you have to join a gym for an intense training session, even a simple afternoon walk has a positive impact on your physical and mental health!

If you wish to either loose weight (fats) or gain mass on a gym, here are two tips by using weights:

  • To Say Goodbye to Fat: Concentrate on a fatty area and work on it by using a machine or any sort of weight lifting tool but remember to pick a lighter weight, not a heavy one. (LESS WEIGHT MORE REPETITIONS)
  • To Buff Up Muscles: Same scenario as above only that the weight should be a bit heavier and with lesser repetitions. (MORE WEIGHT LESS REPETITIONS)

Know Your Roots

Does someone in your family have cancer? diabetes? heart problems? It pays to know your family history and how it can affect your own health and wellness.

My doctor once said when I asked why knowing your family’s health history is important: “I cannot express how important this is. It can totally change the screening guidelines for you,”

For instance, a screening colonoscopy is done at 50 years old, but if your father had colon cancer at 49, then you must have a screening at 39!

Not just cancers, but knowing family history of things like heart disease and diabetes (and keeping a record of it) will help your physician make the right decisions for your health.

Tea instead of Latte

Often, drinking tea is usually associated to healthy lifestyle. It has its reasons.

Pure green tea is full of antioxidants and also has weight-loss properties. Instead of having coffee or tea lattes, try this for a change. Once a day or twice a day would be preferable.

Ditch The Soda

Soda is not only a diet-spoiler, they’re liquid calories! It can also have a bad effect on your health. Some doctors say never to drink regular soda and some even prefer not to drink the diet soda either.

If you must have the taste of soda, drink the diet kind. The amount of calories and high fructose corn syrup in regular soda is quite high. The best advise is to replace the daily soda fix with some green tea instead.

Have an Annual Checkup

Some people disregard this rule because they’re simply feeling “OK” or simply scared to know the bad facts about their body. But it is really important for men and women of all ages to apply this rule. It may save your life!

White or Wheat?

When it comes to diet, look for food that pack a nutritious punch. You don’t have to remove carbs completely, just choose the healthier kind.

The key is to avoid white rice, white bread, and white pasta like it’s the plague!

Instead, replace all “white” foods with their whole-wheat counterpart! White foods offer almost no nutritional value, and replacing these carbs with whole grains add vitamins and minerals to your diet. 

Flu Vaccine

As temperatures get chillier and people spend more time indoors, flu season sneaks in. Because the flu virus can infect the lungs, it can cause a serious complication like pneumonia — which can requires confinement, even leading to death. That’s why certain people must get a flu shot.

October or November is the best time to get vaccinated, but you can still get vaccinated in December or later. Flu season can start as early as October and last as late as May.


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